Friday, November 5, 2010

Moved in August 2010

It's been a while since my last post. Just keeping up with tradition.

We have been a bit busy lately. We finally purchased our very own home in Texas in August 2010. When we moved to San Antonio, we decided to rent, not knowing how long it would take to sell our home in Phoenix. Fortunately it sold quickly. It took us a while to find our home, but it fit all our needs. It's got plenty of room, and it keeps the kids in their same schools and same church. And it's near the San Antonio temple too. So all the fun that comes with moving has been our experience lately. Although the "fun" seems to be dragging out painfully as the unpacking has been slow, due to our slow painting process. We are still working on the first room, the master bedroom. It's almost done. So we have most of the furniture where it's suppose to be. I can't tell you how many times I've been hunting through the garage for a box with something I need in it. I finally have my sewing machine accessable and thread. Most needed, the thread and a needle, for those Scout patches that seem to always need to be added. Jonah is our newest Cub Scout and so for his birthday he received a new cub scout shirt, a set of his own scriptures, and a special quilt that his Grandma Hill made him.
Jonah's Baptism was in September 2010. Here he is with Dad.

Here's our latest family picure.

Monday, March 15, 2010

March 2010 Beginning Spring Break

Time for Spring Break! Not much planned for this break, so far. I've managed to get the boys outside once today since it's such a nice day out to ride bikes and scooters. I've decided it's time for Thomas to have a bigger bike. He's decided he still wants training wheels. We'll see about that.

Thomas enjoyed a school field trip to the Witte Museum. He saw all the different landscapes of Texas and the animals and insects that go with them. Texas is so huge, it has costal areas, wooded areas, the hill country, and desert areas. And with all that I'm not sure if I've missed any areas besides these. I'm looking forward to seeing all the wildflowers pop up this year. The bluebonnets are huge here and since we've moved here the drought has taken a toll on them and they haven't been spectacular as usual. So I'll try to get some pictures of them when they make their grand appearance.
We had a little snow, that of course didn't stick in February. It's the first time we've been here that it actually snowed.

Thomas also had an adventure to the ER in February when he received 6 stitches above his eyebrow. Just as I was having a Scentsy Open House here at home he hit his head (I think with some help of a brother) on his metal bunkbed frame splitting open his skin. I asked Kirk about it (as he was upstairs keeping an eye on them) and there weren't any doubts that stitches were necessary. After 3 hours in the ER and a stop at McDonald's drive through he was sleeping at home, a happy guy.

And after 3 cases of strep throat later...Isaiah then Thomas (questionably Jonah who was later confirmed negative) and then on the weekend Nicholas. How is it that the child who sucks his fingers didn't get step throat? I got a call from the school nurse. Jonah had smashed his thumb in a door and the nurse wondered if I wanted to come get him and/or give him some pain medicine. After I got there and saw it, realizing it was on the hand he writes with, I knew it was time for him to come home for the day. His nailbed was filled up with blood and he had some oozing out of the side and near the base and the whole thumb was swelled up. After some debate and a call to the healthcare nurse I took him to his doctor. She removed the blood and sent him for an x-ray. After few days and another specialist visit it was finally determined it wasn't fracture but badly bruised. He's been a trooper and is healing up well. (And if I'm tired of doctor visits, copays, and Rx's you see why.)

Isaiah has enjoyed being in the 11 year old Scout program. He celebrated his birthday with a specially made cake, and a new frog, some fish and a plant for his aquarium. He has been helping with broadcasting the morning announcements at school too and likes it. He's relieved to be taking out the garbage now and having Nick unload the clean dishes, the job he's had for so long.

Nicholas has been doing track at Lopez Middle School. I've been driving him to Reagan High School for pole valting practice some days after school, as they have equipment there. He tried out the hurdles but doesn't think it's for him. We discovered he's not so flexible. (Time to stretch.) He likes doing the high jump. Oh and here's Nicholas idea of getting to have the first piece of brownie...

Kirk is enjoying his position at KCI as a marketing manager. He's keeping busy and challenged which he loves. He's also travelling more. So maybe he'll be in an area near you soon.

I'm brushing the dust off my sewing machine and serger. Finishing a project I've started long ago and looking at projects that have never been started. I'm still selling Scentsy, the wickless candles that smell so great. And I'm also trying to doing more family history for my side of the family and Kirk's.

Oh and Kirk and I will be celebrating our 15th Wedding Anniversary this week! Wow that sounds so long. So I've got a little planning to do...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Year 2010

Hope you are enjoying the new year! We are doing good.

We enjoyed a visit to Phoenix at Thanksgiving and loved seeing family and friends. We were able to see many of you but not all. Hopefully we can meet up another time if we were unable to visit. And we are grateful for all the yummy meals and accomodations provided to us by our family. My Mom and Dad let us stay in their motorhome which was very nice.

Isaiah and Jonah were most unhappy to return back to Texas but eventually they got over it.

They are now settled back in and realize they have friends here too.
Special thanks to Angel for her early delivery of my newest niece, Isabella, so we could see her before we left for Texas. I think you surprised us all. What a treat! Isabella's due date was in December so we weren't thinking she'd come in time for Thanksgiving.

Christmas was nice and quiet and relaxing. Kirk was thrilled to be promoted to a Marketing Manager at KCI. He has received his Christmas wish by this promotion. Santa worked late into the night and all the boys were happy.

The boys are growing quickly. Nicholas enjoys airsoft shooting and fishing. Isaiah loves to read and play Wii and computer games. Jonah absolutely loves computer and Wii games as well. Thomas likes books, playdough and general mayhem. Jonah is reading very well now. Thomas hasn't quite got the hang of reading just yet.

I still lead music in Relief Society (women's group) at church and Kirk is working in the Young Men's organization. He is actually over the 12-13 year old boys so Nicholas is in his class. Which is fun and sometimes interesting. Nicholas just spoke at church Sunday on having a Change of Heart. He did a great job and came up with the talk all himself. We are proud of him and the great effort he put in to it.