Hope you are enjoying the new year! We are doing good.
We enjoyed a visit to Phoenix at Thanksgiving and loved seeing family and friends. We were able to see many of you but not all. Hopefully we can meet up another time if we were unable to visit. And we are grateful for all the yummy meals and accomodations provided to us by our family. My Mom and Dad let us stay in their motorhome which was very nice.
They are now settled back in and realize they have friends here too.

Special thanks to Angel for her early delivery of my newest niece, Isabella, so we could see her before we left for Texas. I think you surprised us all. What a treat! Isabella's due date was in December so we weren't thinking she'd come in time for Thanksgiving.
Christmas was nice and quiet and relaxing. Kirk was thrilled to be promoted to a Marketing Manager at KCI. He has received his Christmas wish by this promotion. Santa worked late into the night and all the boys were happy.
The boys are growing quickly. Nicholas enjoys airsoft shooting and fishing. Isaiah loves to read and play Wii and computer games. Jonah absolutely loves computer and Wii games as well. Thomas likes books, playdough and general mayhem. Jonah is reading very well now. Thomas hasn't quite got the hang of reading just yet.
I still lead music in Relief Society (women's group) at church and Kirk is working in the Young Men's organization. He is actually over the 12-13 year old boys so Nicholas is in his class. Which is fun and sometimes interesting. Nicholas just spoke at church Sunday on having a Change of Heart. He did a great job and came up with the talk all himself. We are proud of him and the great effort he put in to it.