It's been a while since my last post. Just keeping up with tradition.
We have been a bit busy lately. We finally purchased our very own home in Texas in August 2010. When we moved to San Antonio, we decided to rent, not knowing how long it would take to sell our home in Phoenix. Fortunately it sold quickly. It took us a while to find our home, but it fit all our needs. It's got plenty of room, and it keeps the kids in their same schools and same church. And it's near the San Antonio temple too. So all the fun that comes with moving has been our experience lately. Although the "fun" seems to be dragging out painfully as the unpacking has been slow, due to our slow painting process. We are still working on the first room, the master bedroom. It's almost done. So we have most of the furniture where it's suppose to be. I can't tell you how many times I've been hunting through the garage for a box with something I need in it. I finally have my sewing machine accessable and thread. Most needed, the thread and a needle, for those Scout patches that seem to always need to be added. Jonah is our newest Cub Scout and so for his birthday he received a new cub scout shirt, a set of his own scriptures, and a special quilt that his Grandma Hill made him.

Here's our latest family picure.