Anna at 4 months. At her 4 month check up the doctor and I talked about her readiness for eating. She had been sleeping through the night, and stopped. She sits with some help. She also notices us eating. So the doctor felt she could use some food. All the boys started cereal at 4 months so Anna now is too. Now all the talk is about waiting until 6 months but she's so lightweight that seeing if giving her a little food will help is okay by me. We started with organic brown rice, and all was okay. A few days later some oatmeal and well then she decided to grumble about her tummy so after a few days and a call to the doc she got a little juice and water, and then was a happy baby.

We then moved to sweet potatoes, and then carrots, peas, and well maybe green beans next. Strange thing is with this baby girl of mine is that when it's time to eat she starts to jibber jabber through her whole meal. Not sure what she's saying but none of my four boys did this. I suppose she's more into the dining experience than just eating. It maybe a girl thing or maybe it's just an Anna thing.